About Us

Welcome to our sari-sari shop! For as long as I can remember, it’s been my passion to sell things.  I have quite a bit of experience running small businesses selling whatever was popular in the 90’s to mid-2000’s  such as sports car parts and accessories, computer parts and peripherals, novelty items, women’s accessories, and some tech-y stuff.

After I came to the US from the Philippines, I worked as a CNA until I graduated nursing school. Unfortunately I had to put aside my hobby of selling cool stuff while I finished school and experienced the ups and downs life can offer. Now that life has slowed down a bit, my partner and I have decided to once again find products that are cool, useful, and competitively priced.

My business model worked for me before, so why reinvent the wheel? My model was simple; I found products that are interesting, new, and useful that I personally liked, which I shared with my customers. But Holy crap, there are millions of products now and a lot of things have changed since the last time I was in business. It feels as if I’m starting from ground zero again. However what hasn’t changed is my love for finding cool products and working with suppliers and people.

A little about me so you know who you’re buying from,  I’m Sarah, an introverted Filipina-American that unsurprisingly (some Filipino humor for ya) got her nursing degree (no I do not have a Louis Vuitton handbag and short Filipina haircut - yet), and has done both bedside nursing care and administrative healthcare. While I love doing nursing, my passion is doing retail. I love reading anything from Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Saul, VC Andrews, Anne Rice, Arthur C. Clark (and watching any TV/movie adaptations so I can criticize or praise them without mercy), watching horror, sci-fi, suspense, and fantasy. I have 3 children, 1 grandchild, and 3 amazing cats (Mumaw, Cookie and Namir). I love going on mini-vacations, eating snacks, dark or dry humor, and preparing for the zombie apocalypse.  I also don’t mind the occasional rye whiskey old fashioned (with the cool ice cube) from time to time.


I share all this about us so you have an idea of the sorts of products we will be selling. We will always be updating our inventory making sure there is always something new to look forward to (yes, Lumpia will be added in the near future).